Monday, November 30, 2009


Sunday, November 25, 2007

Current mood: nostalgic
Category: Romance and Relationships

One of my vices (I have a few) includes watching Musicals. You know, "Singing in the Rain" et al. Movies with Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire, Gene Kelly...people who knew how to dance and sing a bit. The songs always sprang up like it was a natural occurence to have a soundtrack to life and every problem could be solved by dancing. Well tonight I revisited a musical (or facsimile) from the 80's. "XANADU". As movies go it is very dated but still a fun watch. I have always had a secret crush on Olivia Newton-John ever since I heard her sing "Please Mr. Please" back the early 70's as small boy travelling in the '65 Chevy Impala station wagon across the Nevada desert on the way to visit Grandma while Dad was on leave from Saigon. It turns out that Olivia Newton-John bares a striking resemblance to one woman who has been the major influence in my life and I have mentioned her in these blogs...Nature Dame. So while watching the movie XANADU it's like spending time back in the early 80's with my Nature Dame (aka "the one"). The blonde hair framing the bright, mischievious eyes and the smile that lights up the darkness deep in my soul. Watching Olivia Newton-John in musicals has been both cathartic and very painfull over the years. For a few years I could not watch "GREASE" because not only did she remind me physically of Nature Dame but her characters name was the same. After a painfull, heartbreaking "Dear John" message one late summer I couldn't hear the name without feeling great pain in my heart and soul. It seemed like her name was in every movie or T.V. show I watched, unescapable. Over the years things changed (or I did) and hearing her name no longer caused intense pain. Somewhere along the way it caused me to smile and reminisce about what we had and could have had if things had worked out just a little different. So now when I watch "XANADU" I hear the lyrics of the songs and they relate to my life. Friends (women) tell me that I will find another woman who can make me feel the way my Nature Dame has but I have been looking for a very long time and she must be hiding because I haven't seen her. If you are out there then come and find me because that's a feeling I desperately want to have back in my life and to share with another soul.

In the meantime I'll keep watching Xanadu and Grease and playing my records (Cd's or MP3's to you younger readers, lol) and I'll remenisce......


Currently watching:
Release date: 20 July, 1999

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