Monday, November 30, 2009


Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Current mood: crushed
Category: Life

I awoke this morning to sad news. I found that an old 'friend' had passed. My friend "Joe". I have known Joe since 1995. I first met Joe while living in Yosemite National Park. I was living with my girlfriend Carrie who later became my wife and then even later my ex-wife. Joe became a daily companion and a part of our morning routine. Eventually Joe came with me to the Lodge Indian Shop (I was manager) to get the store ready to open on cold winter mornings. Joe made the best cup of coffee that you could imagine. Nothing fancy just good ol' black gold, java, go-go juice with nothing added to dilute it. Later when Carrie and I moved from the Yosemite area Joe travelled with us to Anaheim. Joe saw me through long hours at work and some long hours at home, both good and bad. Like a good friend Joe watched us grow as a couple then grow apart. I got Joe in the break up. Joe moved to San Diego with me while Carrie moved to Reno. Joe was around when an old romance was rekindled, then sadly extinguished. Joe has/had been there tirelessly supportive like any good friend. So it was a shock and a growing empty feeling in my stomach as I realized Joe wasn't going to help me start my day for the first time in 12 years. Joe's little orange light came on but the water wasn't heating up, my coffeemaker "JOE" was dead!


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