Monday, November 30, 2009

Being true to ourselves

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Current mood: hopeful
Category: Romance and Relationships

Today I was chatting with a freind who has been going through the trials and tribulations of being in a relationship with someone who shall we say has a dubious history with women. Suffice it to say that the relationship ended this week after many months of her not being the woman that she really is. Confusing huh? Well haven't we all adjusted or character or our mores or even or ethics just a smidge for someone just because we didn't want to be alone anymore? After all they can't be all that bad if they like me so much right? The problem when we do that is the regret we feel when that relationship ends. We feel worse about how we purpoted ourselves more so than the fact that we got dumped. I spent a few hours this morning talkng to my friend, making her laugh and listening to what she had to say and keeping the obvious "I told you so" to myself. By the time we ended our conversation she realised that she had a new begining in front of her and that she no longer wanted to quash her character anymore for someone who in the end didn't really give shit anyway. The moral of this story? Be who you are and not who someone else wants you to be. In the end it's you who looks into the mirror and sees the real you and you have to be able to be proud of what you see. It may mean that you go to bed alone alot more than not, and that in itself will make it better when you do have someone to share your bed.

Currently watching:
What Women Want
Release date: 08 May, 2001

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