Monday, April 5, 2010

Don't Panic!

Today was just another Monday for me, a day off work. For those of you who work in retail you know that our 'weekend' usually doesn't correspond with the rest of the World's Saturday/Sunday Dogma. Slept in until 7a.m. Yes that is sleeping in for me. Climbed on the Time Trial bike (Sonja) and got in a quick ride (60 minutes) to spin out the legs and refresh my body's memory before Friday's 8.4 mile Time Trial which opens the San Diego Cyclo-Vets Omnium this weekend. There was a threat of rain and I guess getting caught by a brief shower was indicative of the rest of my day.
I recently started dating again and I think it's going well although technically we have only had one date, and one coffee date with my daughter Delaney while she was visiting. The woman I am 'dating' keeps herself very busy so sometimes I feel like i need to make a reservation well in advance to see her. I do send texts but not everyday and in reality only a couple a week to let her know my schedule (my social calendar is pretty much wide open as opposed to hers). Today she texted me that she was on her way back home from her weekend camping trip and that I needed to "slow down the texting because I was kind of driving her crazy" WTF?
Maybe it's me but I am beginning to believe that I can no longer judge people at all. I have lost my ability to see through bullshit and spot the flower blooming underneath. Maybe I am just over thinking what she said? If this one fizzles then I am officially done forever.

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes things work out and sometimes they don't. I have never been one to give up though. If I give up, I give in to failure. I only fail if I don't pick myself back up. That being said, perhaps this one isn't the right one. If you stop completely, then you'll never meet her. I find if I stop 'looking' for something, whatever (whoever) it is finds me. Chin Up!


